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Inkberrow Primary School

Love to Learn, Learn to Care


Main Road, Inkberrow, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR7 4HH

01386 792284


Year 5 Home Learning

 Hello Kestrels, 

Here is some work for those of you who are off at the moment and feel well enough to do some work!  Don't forget Sumdog, TT Rockstars and Purple Mash have lots that you can practise on.

Hope to see you soon!

Mrs McPherson x


Please note that in some cases, I am re-using videos and worksheets that myself and Miss Herbert made for last year's lockdown to save time so some comments/dates may not  be relevant for this year



On Purple Mash Home page,  click on the Reading icon. Click on Serial Mash. Go to Sapphires and choose a book from thse listed. Read a chapter a day and do the Acivities listed for that chapter.

Spelling and Grammar

On Purple Mash Home Page, click on English, then under SPAG,choose either Spelling or Grammar and choose an activity to practise. For Spelling, look at the Spring 1 to revise the spellings we have already learnt as you can catch up the spellings we are doing in class when you return.


Spring 2 Week 2

 Spring 2 Week 2 2022
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