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Inkberrow Primary School

Love to Learn, Learn to Care


Main Road, Inkberrow, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR7 4HH

01386 792284


Year 1 Home Learning

Hello Robins and Parents, we are missing you in school but we hope that you're safe and well at home! Please find below everything you will need for home learning. Please only complete the tasks if you feel well enough to do so. If you complete all of the tasks, you can use the useful links at the bottom of the page, listen to one of the stories or read one of your own. Any questions please contact the school office to speak to Miss Holliday and she will be happy to help. 



Click to recap phase 1, 2 and 3 using the video. Listen carefully to any new phase 3 sounds and practice them at home.

My Turn, Your Turn Use my turn, your turn to practise saying the sounds and the rhymes.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Use the web links to practise (Alien and Real words) (Use Fred talk to spell the words) (Look out for special friends and chatty friends)

Fred Talk Games 

Use the Phase 3 word list to identify the real and nonsense words and have a go at spelling some of the words using Fred Talk.



Click to listen to one of the teachers reading a story or read one of your own at home to someone in your house.



Click to have a go at your number bonds and precision key facts. 

Inky Maths Challenge - Click here.


Recap Addition and Subtraction within 20 - Home Learning Workbook


Link for White Rose teaching videos - 

Numbers to 50


Count forwards and backwards within 50


Tens and Ones 


Represent numbers to 50 


One more and one less



Home Learning Workbook - Place Value within 50. 

See below for some more Spring Maths activities to try at home! 



This term our Topic is Animal Kingdom, look at some of the key facts by clicking on our knowledge organiser.

You could use this time to complete 1 or more of your homework tasks for this half term;

  • Create a poster about your favourite animal, include some pictures and some interesting key facts.
  • Make a model of 1 or more of your favourite animals using different materials of your choice.
  • Write a fact file about your favourite animal including information about their habitat, diet and appearance.

Log in to Purple Mash and complete the 2Do tasks (Verbal instructions included to play to the children to help them).  


Spring Maths Activities

 Spr1.12.1 - Chocolate eggs.pptxDownload
 Spr1.12.2 - Animals.pptxDownload
 Spr1.12.3 - Flowers.pptxDownload
 Spr1.12.4 - Weather.pptxDownload
 Spr1.12.5 - Spring fun.pptxDownload
 Video links.pdfDownload
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