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Inkberrow Primary School

Love to Learn, Learn to Care


Main Road, Inkberrow, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR7 4HH

01386 792284



We have a dedicated team consisting of:


Mr Duggan-Seville

Deputy Headteacher 

Mrs J McPherson 

Our Reception Team - Wrens

Miss Fowler, Miss Besent, Mrs Lancaster 

Our Year 1 Team: Robins

Miss Holliday and  Miss Laidler

Our Year 2 Team: Blackbirds

Mr Coy, Mrs Dale 

Our Year 3 Team: Woodpeckers

Mrs Ellis and Mrs Martini 

Our Year 4 Team: Swans

Miss Yates and Mrs Hunter 

Our Year 5 Team: Kestrels

Mrs McPherson, Miss Herbert, Miss Forbes and Mrs Lowdon

Our Year 6 Team: Owls

Mr Geary and Mr Franklin

Thrive Practitioner 

Mrs Nock

Forest School 

Mrs A. Booton (Leader)

Office Manager and Finance Administrator

Miss Hiley and Mrs Payne

Lunchtime Supervisors

 Mrs Bromley, Mrs Smith, Mrs A Bishop and Mrs K Bishop, Mrs.  N. Ireson 

Site Manager and Cleaning Staff 

Mrs Smith, Mrs Bromley