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Inkberrow Primary School

Love to Learn, Learn to Care


Main Road, Inkberrow, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR7 4HH

01386 792284




Chair of the Local Governing Body: Mrs. Lisa Tagg



Introducing Inkberrow Primary School Governing Body


We are an active Board of Governors who support Inkberrow Primary School in a variety of ways. Overall, we seek to be a ‘critical friend’, so as to ensure that our local community school is supported and challenged in its vital task of educating and preparing children for life in 21st century society. Each year we produce an Annual Report summarising the activities that have been undertaken, and our latest report (for the academic year 2020/21) is available here for your information.


On the 1st August 2017 Inkberrow First School became a Founder Member of the Avonreach Academy Trust (AAT), along with Cherry Orchard First School, Norton Juxta Kempsey First School, and Pershore High School.  On the 1st September 2019 all 3 AAT First Schools converted to Primary Schools.


The IPS Local Governing Body is composed of the following members:   


Parent Governors (x2):                                     James Watts and Harriet Terera

Staff Governors (x2):                                      Glenn Duggan-Seville (Head Teacher) and Lori Yates

Co-Opted Governors (x9  )                             Lisa Tagg (Chair); Katie Hunt (Vice-Chair)

                        Andrew Jones;

                                                                 Nick Gardiner; Dennis Wynter

If you would like to find out more about the role of a Governor, please contact the Clerk ( for more information. 

Further details regarding the Terms of Office of the IPS Governors and the roles and responsibilities undertaken by the IPS Governing Body, their attendance record and their Register of Interests is available here.