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Inkberrow Primary School

Love to Learn, Learn to Care


Main Road, Inkberrow, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR7 4HH

01386 792284


Class Teacher: Miss Holliday 

Teaching Assistant: Miss Done

PE: Tuesday morning & Friday afternoon

Forest School: Tuesday afternoon


Click to find out how you can develop your reading at home!



In Maths we have been exploring place value with numbers up to 20. Identifying tens and ones and calculating one more and one less than a given number. 


In Art we have been using our collage skills to create a seasons mood board for Paddington to travel across throughout the year. What is your favourite season?

Knowledge Organiser


In PE our focus for this half term has been Gymnastics. We have been exploring different types of balances, rolls and ways to travel. Take a look at our super balances! 


In PSHE our focus has been 'rights and responsibilities' exploring basic first aid skills and rules for how to stay safe.  

Common Exception Words


In DT we enjoyed making marmalade sandwiches to link with our Paddington Bear Topic. We had to give each other clear instructions and we even got to try our tasty sandwich at the end! 

Diversity Day

We looked at the Equality Act and talked about what it meant to be equal and how this act protects us from unfair treatment (discrimination). We looked at different disabilities and tried some sports that they do in the Paralympics. 

The Nativity - 'I'm Gonna Shine'